Medical laboratory device for fully automated IVD procedures
MultiDiag - Development of a multi-diagnostic platform combining extraction, immune testing and real-time PCR processing
Funding period: 1st Oktober 2023 – 30th September 2026
Project partner:
The objective of the joint project is to create an automated IVD device for processing cell-free body fluids. The device will be used from the sample to the result in laboratories with small to medium sample volumes. Specifically, the project aims to combine nucleic acid purification, real-time PCR, immune precipitation and immune tests on up to 96 samples simultaneously in an automated demonstrator for the first time. EDC Engineering GmbH's task in sub-project 3 is to select, evaluate and create the corresponding modular architecture of the electronics and associated hardware-related software components.

Industrial IoT
Research project: Verwaltungsschale für den energieflexiblen Fabrikbetrieb (VerEFab)
Funding period: 1st april 2020 – 31th march 2022
Project partner:
- Microstep Europa GmbH
- TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnik GmbH
- Oscar PLT GmbH
- Fraunhofer IGCV
Together with the project partners Fraunhofer IGCV (Augsburg), MicroStep Europa GmbH, OSCAR PLT GmbH and TEKA Absaug- und Entsorgungstechnologie GmbH, the associated partners KTS GmbH & Co. KG and stürmsfs ag as well as the Industry Business Network 4.0 association, in the project EDC will connect machines at factory level to higher levels such as Industry 4.0 Platforms/ IIoT by means of application-specific machine adapters. The aim is to enable a factory equipped in this way to react efficiently to fluctuations in the energy market (price and supply) in the future, e.g. due to the increasingly decentralised power grid, and to achieve an optimal relationship between energy production and consumption.

Fuel-Cell Electronics components
Research project: Hzwo: Frame VP2.2 Turbocompressor with magnetic bearings for mobile fuel cell drives
Funding period: 01. Juli 2019 – 31. Dezember 2021
Project partner:
- J.M. Voith SE & Co. KG (Projektkoordinator)
- TU Chemnitz - Chair of Electrical Energy Conversion Systems and Drives (EWA)
- Fraunhofer ENAS
- AM Metals GmbH
As part of the H2:FRAME Cluster of Excellence, new technologies for a highly efficient air compressor for use in fuel cell powered vehicles are to be researched in a joint project with the project partners based in Saxony. In the sub-project "Power converters for magnetically mounted drive motors in turbo-compressors Air compressor electronics", funded by SAB and carried out by EDC, methods and electronic solutions for the operation of a magnetically mounted compressor shaft are to be investigated and developed in order to enable wear-free turbo-compressors, primarily for commercial vehicles, on this basis in the future. The focus is on extremely fast shaft position measurement and precise control with high efficiency.

Lab on a CMOS Chip
Reasearch project: post-CMOS µFludik
Funding period: 03.06.2019 bis 31.12.2020
Chemical and biochemical reactions can be specifically influenced via electric fields. If the size of containers and reagents is scaled to the size of electronic microchips, many thousands of reactions can be carried out in parallel. This saves large quantities of chemicals and, of course, time. In the project "post CMOS µFluidik" EDC Electronic Design Chemnitz GmbH acquires corresponding know-how from Fraunhofer ENAS and develops a microlab on a CMOS chip for biochemical applications. For this purpose the CMOS chip receives a chemically resistant precious metal electrode which is structured by a lift-off process. Subsequently, many thousands of micro containers made of a glass-like plastic are applied. In the final product, the tiny test tubes are electronically controlled and biochemical reactions can be specifically controlled. Applications are in drug research and synthetic biology.
The measure is funded by the European Union and the state of Saxony.


The research project MIIMOSYS is an industry-driven multiinsitutional research project, funded by the german Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF during the TechSys initiative. The project consortium consists of different partners from industry and science, each with background in developing and producing semiconductor applications and discrete electronic solutions.
Goal of the funded research project is the heterogeneous system integration of gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon-CMOS circuits via transfer printing for future applications with highly compact construction.
The project is funded for 3 years till decembre 2020. Further information can be found on the website of the BMBF.
The main topics of EDC are:
- Development of a CMOS-based controller for the GaN power electronic components
- Development of a driver circuit for the controller
- XFAB Semiconductor Foundries AG, Erfurt
- Turck Duotec GmbH, Halver
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF, Freiburg
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen

Goal of the funded research project KoliBris is the development of an technology platform for compact and energy efficient high performance broad band sensors. One aspect of the project is to further reduce the power consumption of measuring units for acceleration and rotation movement while simultaneously increasing measurement resolution.
The volume of the project is 3.19 Mio € with a 60% funding rate and it runs until July 2019. Further information can be found on the website of the BMBF.
Main topic of EDC:
- Design of applicationspecific sensor systems as functional demonstrators in coordination with the associated partners SIHI, HKW und MEFS
- System test and caracterisation
- X-FAB MEMS Foundry GmbH, Erfurt
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS, Chemnitz

Together with industrial and research partners we have developed a multi-sensor-system for the data acquisition, processing and transmission for integration into milling tool applications. The sensor unit measures temperature, torsion, vibration in realtime directly on the tool. The technique enables new applications and services such as predictive maintenance.
The volume of the project is 1.68 Mio € and was funded with a funding rate of 69 % by the BMBF. The project did run until February 2018. Further information can be found on the website of the BMBF.
Main topics of EDC:
- Development of the sensor electronics
- Development of the data evaluation electronics
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT (Verbundkoordinator)
- Montronix GmbH, Oberstenfeld
- Häcker Automation, Schwarzhausen
- MAPAL Dr. Kress KG, Aalen
- Chiron-Werke GmbH Co. KG, Tuttlingen (assoziiert)

The main topics of the european multiinstitutional project ADMONT are the so-called "More than Moore" technoloies (MtM). The european union does especially fund competences in microelectronics for the digitisation.
Goal of the project ADMONT is a pilot line for multifunctional semiconductor components with a novel approach to distribute process steps for system integration allong the value chain. As a result different technologies and partners can be brought together for competitive products.
The project volume is 38.4 Mio € and is funded by the BMBF with 14 %, by the state Saxony with 11 % and by the european program ECSEL with 25 %. The project runs until April 2019. Further information can be found on the website of the BMBF and on the project page.
Main topics of EDC:
- Design and development of various IP cells for preasure sensors
- Design and development of corresponding analysis electronics
There are 14 different partners in the project ADMONT. A complete list can be found here.
Funded with the european social fonds
Project duration: 01.10.2015 - 31.03.2018
Name of the project: ModFlex (modulare and flexible PLC solution)
Project goal: Concept and devlopment of a modular and flexible PLC with modern software architecture
Project duration: 01.04.2012 - 31.12.2013
Project coordinator: EDC Electronic Design Chemnitz GmbH
Project partner: Zentrum für Mikrotechnologien (Zfm), Chemnitz
Goal of the project was to develop an application specific high-voltage integrated circuit for the control of piezo-electrical actuators to actively influence the air flow on aeroplane wings for an increased fuel efficiency.
Main tasks in the projects were the development and construction of a functional demonstrator to control 30 piezoelectrical actuators with maximum load of 20 nF/ 50 kΩ with a voltage of 300 V(pp) and a frequency of 20 kHz. Components for optimization of the maximum current and temperature control were added.
Cool Pod
Project duration: 01.03.2012 - 31.08.2014
Project coordinator: Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS
- EDC Electronic Design Chemnitz GmbH
- Microelectronic Packaging Dresden GmbH
- Technische Universität Chemnitz
Project goals:
- Development of a micromechanical Power-Down-Interrupt-generators with power consumption < 1 µA
- Development of a control electronic circuit with low power consumption in a 180 nm node
- Threedimensional packaging technology